Services > Counselling and Psychotherapy > Individuals > Career


Career transitions can occur at different stages in our lives. You may be exploring options for continuing your education, returning to work after being away for a period of time, retiring from work or sport and in need of help managing the changes in your lifestyle, or you may simply be asking yourself, “Why am I doing this?”

Career counselling is intended for people who have a strong sense of what they would like to do but may be considering a career that does not align with their desires; it is also intended for people who do not have a strong sense of what they would like to do and would like to consider alternative ways of exploring their career options.

The career counselling approaches that inform my practice are based on the dynamic career assessment and exploration models, including assessment and exploration of interests, values, skills, needs, readiness, temperament or personality, past experiences, and external factors that might influence career decisions.

The emphasis of my work is on gathering information and helping individuals realize their career passion and intuition. Albert Einstein said, “The intellect has little to do on the road to discovery. There comes a leap in consciousness, call it intuition or what you will, and the solution comes to you and you don’t know how or why.” Einstein’s quote has often guided me when, despite all traditional career tests and discussions, an individual I am counselling is unable to make a career decision. By combining rational and logical decision-making techniques with intuition, new career possibilities can be generated.

Although traditional approaches to career counselling are valuable, I often combine the step-by-step discovery process with a dynamic and creative approach to career exploration. This process includes taking global career influences into account, developing career intuition, and considering cultural or family influences that can have an effect on career choices.

Generally, career counselling process requires 6-12 sessions, depending on the stage of career exploration, and concludes with concrete steps for preparing for job interviews, interview strategies, role-playing scenarios for how to answer tough interview questions, completing school applications, resume preparation, guidelines for writing cover letters, and marketing strategies.